I do not only pierce, but also offer in my studio
* a large selection of high quality piercing jewelry *
* only the best materials *
* free after care support during the healing process *

* Here the pricelist *

* Use a lint-free cotton swab and wound disinfectant (for example “Octenisept”) to clean both extremities of the piercing
and to remove crust or other impurities.
* Dab the piercing dry with a fresh, lint-free cotton swab and apply antiseptic cream (for example iodine ointment).
Repeat this 3 times a day for a week.
* Always dry off well after showering or bathing.
* Continue to disinfect, keep it clean and covered (plaster or gauze bandage) for the next 4 weeks.
* Do not let it come into contact with clothing or anything else during the healing process
and avoid going to swimming pools until the healing process has ended.
* Metal conducts heat and cold, so protect fresh piercings carefully from the sun and cold.

In the oral cavity:
* Rinse your mouth for 30 – 60 seconds with an antibacterial mouthwash (for example “Meridol”) for a week and at least 3 times at day.
* Always after eating, drinking, smoking … (this would be the perfect moment to quit 🙂
* Same procedure as under “Aftercare for piercings”.
* Avoid smoking as good as you can (especially during the first week) and oral sex and kissing during the healing process.

In your own interest, please follow the rules.
* BloodyMary *